Friday, November 19, 2010


           Almost every child gets their ear pierced when they're young. Who wouldn't? It's a step towards looking more mature and different from everyone else. Depending on where a person gets a piercing, it can either one make the person feel more like they fit in, or two, make the person feel unique. Personally I don't have any piercing at all on my body, but I don't see anything wrong with them. In fact I would have some, but I'm a baby about pain, so I wear a "ear cuff" (Can see one in a later blog). To me if a person has a piercing then they are just simply expressing their style.

Above is a Youtube video done by Vault Video who went around and interviewed people about whether they think having a tattoo or piercing would affect their chances at attaining a job. They interviewed a wide variety of people (as you can see and the bottom left of the screen) that all had piercings and/or a tattoo. Out of all that were surveyed "85% thought that having a tattoo or piercing impede ones chances of finding a job," and I myself believe it too, but should it be that way? Why do companies want unmarked and unpierced employees? Yes to make every one look clean and tidy, but No company would be able to employ their whole store or business with these "perfect" employees. Vault Video's actually found that   "53% of employee's cover up their tattoos and/or piercings while at work." But again, why is this necessary? Even in the video they interviewed a Business Consultant who said that she has no issue with them, but she was aware of her field having an issue with it. She also pointed out that possibly that it was just because of our generation. BINGO! Okay grandparents, remember those girls walking around in skirts showing their legs? (I know! Total taboo.) Well back then those "flappers" was the opening up of our generation; people wanting to express themselves and look different from everyone else. Stand out in the world and say "Hey! Look at me! I'm special!", and sorry to say grandma, it's only going to get worse.

      But as one of the major "individualism seeking" generation
 (generation X) grows up and enters the big world to earn their fancy
job, will having a tattoo or piercing be such a bad thing? I actually feel more comfortable around people with a tattoo, piercing, or wildly colored hair because I connect to them in the wanting to feel different. I will agree though that are some really extreme piercing that probably aren't really necessary to share with the world. (Ex. Back corsets, genital piercings, etc.)
        As people with all of these things start to grow up and flood the world, they aren't looking for a guy with greased back hair in a monkey suit when they stop by the bank for a $20. All they'll want is a friendly face that recognizes them for who they are. Not just an everyday 300 pound American citizen, but an individual in this world who is going to become someone.  

1 comment:

  1. Love piercings just got my nipples done :)
