Tuesday, December 7, 2010


        Part of my project was for me to have this "journal". I was suppost to have a question to ask people about their opinion of my topic. Well I couldn't pick just one question, or really even two since my topic (Expressing yourself in the workplace and at school) is one, very debated and two, people have a hard time just saying yes or no to things, there seems to always be exceptions. For example, one of my questions was "Would a person having a tattoo/piercing/or dyed hair influce your decision on whether you'd hire that person or not?" and almost everytime a person read it said "Depends on the job" and I agree. Which is why I chose to do a survey!
      Below is the survey that I handed out and emailed to people. As you can see, the boxes for #3 don't line up on the blog, but on the survey they were next to each selection.

 1) How important is it to you that you’re able to express yourself in your work place?  
 (Place and X in one box. 1-very important – 5- not important)
      1                                    2                                  3                                     4                                       5

2)      At School? (Please disregard if not student)
      1                                   2                                   3                                      4                                      5

3)      Check all that you think should be allowed in the work place (or in school if you’re a student).


 Small visible tattoo                                             Large visible tattoo
Hidden tattoo                                                       Pierced ears
Henna (non permanent tattoo)                            Gaged ears
Painted nails                                                        Dyed hair (natural color)
Blue jeans                                                            Dyed hair (unnatural color)
Sandals/ flip flops                                                Dyed hair (accents)
Pierced nose                                                        Pierced tongue

4)      Do you think that dress codes are going to “relax” as today’s younger generations grow up?
                Yes                                                         No

5)      Do you think that having a tattoo/piercing/ or dyed hair will affect your chances of getting hired?
Yes                                                         No

6)      Would it influence your decision on whether you’d hire a person or not?
Yes                                                         No

7)      What is your age? (Wanting to compare if age is correlated with what people think should be acceptable.)
Age is ----- (               )
My results out of 17 surveys:
Question 1:   1/17 chose 1  -   3/17 chose 2   -   11/17 chose 3   -   2/17 chose 4   -   0/17 for 5
Question 2:    5/17 for1    -   8/17 for 2    -    0/17 for 3    -   1/17 for 4      -   1/17 for 5 - 2 people didn't answer
Question 3:
13/17 Small visible tattoo                                           5/17    Large visible tattoo
17/17 Hidden tattoo                                                    12/17  Pierced ears
11/17 Henna (non permanent tattoo)                         6/17    Gaged ears
14/17 Painted nails                                                      14/17 Dyed hair (natural color)
12/17 Blue jeans                                                          9/17    Dyed hair (unnatural color)
6/17 Sandals/ flip flops                                                12/17 Dyed hair (accents)
6/17 Pierced nose                                                        7/17    Pierced tongue

Question 4: 14/17 for Yes ----- 3/17 for No
Question 5: 16/17 for Yes ----- 1/17 for No
Question 6: 10/17 for Yes ----- 6/17 for No --- 1 person didn't answer
Question 7: --- (2) 17, (5) 18, (4) 19, (3) 25, 26, 62, 67

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